Our Services
consulting 100

CAD Consulting

    • CAD system architecture & configuration
    • CAD Standards setup and management
    • On-demand technical support
    • More info...
Design 100

Design Services

We can design your next commercial, multi-residential or residential project.More info...

The following are some of our recent design projects.


thumb WoodsideLane1thumb CainInsurance1thumb Summit1thumb Fredericton Mitsubishi


Fairway Hills_Apartments

VimyEstates1thumb 671 Prospect1LM Place1thumb MilestoneCondo1 CuffmanAptsBuilding


thumb Residence1thumb Residence2

Drafting 100

Drafting Services

We offer multi-disciplined drafting from conceptual to construction drawings. More info...

Programming 100

Software Development

We tailor the MicroStation & AutoCAD environments through development of custom and commercial apps.More info...

training 100


We provide customized on-site training and instruction on MicroStation and InRoads.More info...



With a complement of CAD Specialists, Engineering Technologists and Software Programmers, our clients benefit from the broad range of experience, technical training and skill level encompassed by our staff.



519-B Beaverbrook Court
Fredericton, NB E3B 1X6

Phone: (506) 458-0707

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